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The Cover Girl/Boy AD Contest is Studio 5 Performing Arts’ biggest fundraiser of the year, with all proceeds supporting the annual recital and the printing of the recital program.


Grand Prize Winner Receives:

• A featured spot on the front cover of the recital program

• A solo performance in the opening number at recital

• One year of free tuition ($500 value)

• Additional special surprises


Additional Winner Recognition:

• The top three winners will be featured on the back cover of the recital program.

• The top three winners will also receive a full-page picture in the front of the program.


Centerfold Winner:

• The first person to turn in $1,200 in cash on February 5 will be awarded the centerfold feature in the recital program.


ALL WINNERS of the Cover Girl/ Boy AD Contest, including the Centerfold Winner, will have a special spotlight announcement and receive their awards midway through the recital, right before intermission. This ensures they get the recognition they deserve in front of the entire audience. 



Ad Contest Details:

• The contest will officially close on February 5 at 7 PM.

• Informational packets—including rules, instructions, and ad forms—will be available at the studio in late October.

• This allows families to receive all necessary details before the studio closes for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, making holiday sales possible.


We encourage all students to participate and take advantage of this exciting opportunity!

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