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To register for classes at Studio 5 Performing Arts, the following are required:

• Non-refundable registration fee

• $50 for the first child

• $75 per family

• Completed registration form

• Recurring payment information


Please note: A student’s spot will not be reserved until all registration requirements have been met. The studio reserves the right to cancel or combine classes as needed.


Payment Information


• Tuition payments are withdrawn on the 1st of each month.

• Late payments incur a $25 fee after the 10th of the month.


• Payment method must be updated if changes occur.


Tuition Breakdown

• 1 Class: $50 per month

• 2 Classes: $90 per month

• 3 Classes: $130 per month

• Unlimited Classes: $150 per month


All costume, recital, and photography fees are separate from monthly tuition.

You may begin making payments toward these fees at any time.

(See additional details under Recital and Costume Information.)


Payment Discounts & Policies

• 10% Discount for families who pay tuition in full upon registration.

(This discount applies to tuition only. Recital fees, costume fees, competition fees, etc., must still be paid in full by their respective due dates.)


• Family rates and discounts are available for families with more than one child.

Please inquire for a personalized monthly tuition quote for your family.


Important Payment Information

• Returned Checks: Subject to a $30 fee and must be paid in cash within 72 hour

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